Faith & Inspiration

Latest Life Motto

If It's Not a Hell Yes, It's a No  |  Trés Belle

If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a no.

I’m not sure where I first heard this phrase, but I do know that it was a little over a year ago, and it really resonated with me. I wrote it down on a sticky note and stuck it above my desk.

The thing is, life is really short. Too short to do things we don’t love.

I’m not trying to use this phrase in a #YOLO sort of way to justify bad behavior. Obviously, I still do things that I don’t necessarily love (i.e. eating green beans) in order to reap benefits that I do love (more energy). But, sticking around for things that I really don’t love when there’s no greater purpose or benefit in sight? That’s out.

This has been pretty hard for me, because I am definitely a “yes” person, and I’m the opposite of a quitter. I will slog through the worst, longest, most boring book ever because I simply can’t bring myself to quit once I’ve started. I say yes to doing all the things because I’m afraid of missing out or disappointing someone. Unfortunately, that approach often leaves me with zero emotional and physical resources to enjoy the things I do love.

Sometimes, I really have to sit down, look at my sticky note, and ask myself, “Do I feel HELL YES about this activity? This commitment? This job?”

My most recent hell yes test came in the past few weeks. About a year ago, I began the year-long process of joining the Junior League of Raleigh, something I was super-hell-yes-pumped about. I spent a lot of money, went to a lot of trainings, and did the required community service. I met some really nice people. Yet, as I have approached the date when I will officially become an active member, I have increasingly had a nagging feeling that joining just isn’t what I’m supposed to do right now. My experience as a member has been okay so far, but I’m not fired up about it like I was when I first started. I’m not chomping at the bit to get started on my community service placement next year. I’m not feeling hell yes about it.

The thought of quitting, however, was a little terrifying. I had already invested so much time, money, and energy! I knew the League was doing good work, so that meant it had to be a good thing for me to be involved in, right? And, possibly most of all, I didn’t want anyone in the League to be offended or think I didn’t like them.

The more I thought about it though, the more I realized that following the hell yes rule was the right thing to do in this case. The things I had already invested in the League were sunk costs. It is silly to continue to invest more of our resources into something we aren’t enjoying, even if that thing is an organization with a great mission or cause! I can’t get back any of the time and money I already put into the League, but moving forward, I can put my resources into something that it is a hell yes for me. There is no way to be involved in every single one of the many wonderful organizations out there, and it’s okay to say no to some in order to fully invest yourself in others that are more up your alley.

And, without exception, fellow members of the League have been supportive and kind when I have broken the news to them that I will not be returning next year. I’ve even had quite a few League members confess that they feel the same way as me. So often, people are far more gracious and understanding than we worry they’ll be.

I’ve got to say, living a hell yes life is so much more freeing, purposeful, and fun than overcommitting and stubbornly sticking with things that I’m not passionate about. This will always be a work in progress for me, and I am excited to see where this one short phrase continues to lead me in the future!

xoxo, Laura

Small Joys: Volume 3

Spring has sprung, days are sunny, and there’s so much to be grateful for! About time for another Small Joys post, right??

Small Joys Volume 3 - Cultivating Gratitude!  |  Trés Belle

Actually, truth be told, I was struggling with some major discontentment this morning. After wallowing for a bit, I convinced myself that the best way to snap out of it was to cultivate gratitude. So, here I am!

Here are the little things that have been bringing me joy lately:

1. Warmer weather! It is no secret that I am a summer girl through and through. I’ve been loving all of the sunshine and t-shirt weather we’ve been having lately. And, I love that it stays light outside so much later with the time change! This past week, we had dinner outside for the first time this spring, and it was glorious.

Easter Bunny Door Dec  |  Trés Belle

2. Y’all already know I love the Business with Purpose podcast. I just listened to Episode 20 with Jessica Honegger of Noonday Collection, and it is one of my favorites yet! She’s a very inspiring person.

3. Speaking of things I’ve been listening to…I finished Inferno by Dan Brown on audiobook last week. Gah! So good! I still like Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code better, but Inferno is excellent as well.

4. Birthday cards! Does anyone else have a hard time parting with cards? I am a major card hoarder. I can’t ever throw away cards right after they’ve been given to me, but I do try to go back periodically to purge. My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, and I’m still enjoying the little army of birthday cards on my kitchen counter. At what point is it no longer acceptable to have them on display??

Birthday Cards |  Trés Belle

5. Gluten-free cake from JP’s Pastry. This exclusively gluten-free bakery based in Benson, NC, makes the BEST cakes! We bought a chocolate salted caramel layer cake to share with my family for my birthday, and everyone loved it. So much, in fact, that we forgot to take a photo of it before we dived in and demolished it. It’s always nice to find a gluten-free alternative that tastes just as good as the real thing!

6. My sparkly mermaid! Wes and I spent my birthday visiting Virginia Beach and Norfolk, where the city symbol is a mermaid. We tried to go to The Mermaid Factory, a Wine and Design-esque shop where you paint plaster mermaids, but they were already booked for the day. Instead, we purchased two of their take home kits and painted our mermaid and dolphin last weekend. It was a great way to relax, and now we have fun souvenirs from our trip!

Ceramic mermaid and dolphin from The Mermaid Factory in Norfolk, VA  |  Trés Belle

7. Friends. Wes and I have been making our way through the entire series of Friends on Netflix for awhile now, watching a couple of episodes here and there. Now, we have only one season left, and I am distraught. I don’t want it to end!! Oh, and please don’t tell me how it’s going to end, unless you want to be dead to me.

8. This cornbread taco casserole. Made it this week and it is so, so good. I may or may not have eaten the leftovers for breakfast this morning. I actually love all of Mary Ross’s recipes! Most of them are gluten-free and vegan or can be modified to be gluten-free or vegan. I used regular dairy cheese on the casserole this week just to speed things up a bit, but her vegan cheese substitutes are really good.

What are y’all joyful about lately? Let’s share and keep the gratitude flowing!

xoxo Laura

A Lesson on Pride and Generosity

My friend Tiffany is someone I look up to in so many ways. I met her as a first year student at UNC-Chapel Hill when I joined a sorority and found myself lucky enough to call her a sister. Even back then, she was so wise, intentional, and thoughtful. She’s also sassy and spunky and an all-around fun personality to be around. So, you can imagine how flattered I was when she asked me to guest post on her blog yesterday!

A lesson on Jesus-like generosity on NOM NAM NOM | Très Belle

Be sure to check out the post, which talks about a major lesson I learned recently about the importance of being generous with my finances rather than using money for my own selfish pride. And be sure to follow her blog, NOM NAM NOM!

xoxo Laura

11 Year-End Superlatives for 2016

Quite a few months ago, I read this post by Laura over at A Beautiful Plate and thought it was such a cute idea! I’ve created my own spin on it by doing 11 superlatives for 2016. It was an amazing year!

1. Biggest Milestone: Changing jobs! Back in July, I started a new job with Make-A-Wish. It is the best thing ever, and I pinch myself every day! I still can’t believe that I get paid to plan wishes!

Make-A-Wish Eastern North Carolina Disney World Wish | Trés Belle

2. Hardest Challenge: I am extremely grateful that 2016 was a year of few challenges for me. I am still dealing with some residual health issues from a terrible infection I had back in 2014/2015. Aside from that, I have few complaints!

3. Most Memorable Trip: Wes and I went to St. Thomas with my family back in March, and it was so wonderful! It was true relaxation to just lay on a beach all day. The sunsets were gorgeous, and I got to ride a horse in the surf. Bliss!

St. Thomas US Virgin Islands Sunset | Trés Belle

St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands | Trés Belle

Horseback riding on the beach in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands | Trés Belle

4. Best Bite: Every single flavor of gluten-free cupcakes at Carytown Cupcakes in Richmond, VA. Y’all, I fantasize about going back to try more of these cupcakes! You truly cannot tell that they are gluten-free, and they have the perfect crumb. I also like that they have inventive, unusual flavors (obviously not pictured).

Gluten-Free Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes from Carytown Cupcakes in Richmond, Virginia | Trés Belle

5. Favorite Photo: This picture of me and Wes at a Panthers game back in August. I had a wish taking place that day!

Carolina Panthers Spirit | Trés Belle

6. Inspiring Read: Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. I’ve actually already talked about it here on the blog.

Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton Book Review | Trés Belle

7. Most Valuable Lesson: That I can only give out as much as I’m taking in. I always tend to overcommit myself and run, run, run without stopping for self-care. I used to be able to do this with minimal consequences, but due to the aforementioned health issues, I have to be more careful these days. I’m also an introvert, which makes it all the more important for me to have time to recharge alone at home. Thanks to the reflection process built into my PowerSheets (a goal setting workbook), I have learned that I need equal amounts of time of pouring into myself and giving to others. My eight hours of sleep each night cancels out my eight hours in the office each day, so it’s really how I spend my waking hours outside of work that are critical. If I’m out volunteering or participating in social events every night of the week, I’m going to feel tired, weary, and anxious. I need equal amounts of rest and doing.

PowerSheets Goal Setting Workbook by Lara Casey/The Cultivate Shop | Trés Belle

8. Favorite Gift Received: Wes surprised me by giving me a nice camera for Christmas! I am so, so excited to learn how to use it.

9. Scariest Moment: I don’t even know how to describe this in just a few sentences, but I’ll try. On a trip to Stratford Hall back in the spring, Wes and I went on a hike straight into a tick-infested forest. We didn’t realize it until we were already halfway into the hike and had dozens and dozens of ticks crawling all over us. It took us about 30 minutes of sprinting then stopping to knock off ticks to finally get out of the forest. I have a huge spider/tick phobia, and I felt like I was having a panic attack. It took us two hours to go through all of our clothes, comb through our hair, and shower afterward. Horrible! We kept imagining that we felt ticks crawling on us for weeks!

10. Favorite Raleigh Spot: I really can’t pick a true number one favorite because I have soooo many. As far as food goes, it may have to be Guasaca South American Grill based solely on number of times visited. Guasaca is a short order arepa restaurant that is amazingly delicious, especially for the price point! Another top favorite Raleigh spot is The Flourish Market, of course!

The Flourish Market ethical fashion store in Raleigh, NC | Trés Belle

11. Things I’m Most Looking Forward to in 2017: Taking a trip to Italy (Wes’s first time out of the country!), taking photos with my new camera, getting some projects done around the house, and granting wishes!

Wasn’t that fun? I’d love to hear some of y’all’s superlatives from 2016 in the comments. And, if there are any other superlatives you think I should add for 2017, let me know!

xoxo, Laura

What I Read in 2016

You guys, 2016 was SUCH a great year for me in terms of reading! I don’t think I’ve ever read so many books in one year. I started out the year with a 45 minute commute each way (that’s one and a half hours per day), which made for some great audiobook time. While my commute is thankfully a bit shorter now at 25-30 minutes each way, I still clock quite a bit of time listening to books in the car.

Below is an alphabetized list of everything I read in 2016. The books that are *starred are ones that I highly recommend adding to your own reading lists!

7 Women by Eric Metaxas. This book was really interesting. Most of the seven women are household names, yet most people don’t actually know all that much about them beyond that. I really enjoyed learning more about these ladies. However, I had some concerns about the legitimacy of the author’s sourcing, and he was definitely biased in his writing. Read this book, certainly, but do so critically.

7 Women by Eric Metaxas Review | Trés Belle

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I wasn’t too impressed with this book, which was disappointing considering it won a Pulitzer Prize. I appreciated that it was good literature (i.e. I could tell that it is the type of book I would have read in high school English class), but it was just soooo long in places. Not a page turner.

All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr Book Review | Trés Belle

*An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. This was a book club book and not one I would have picked out myself, but I absolutely loved it! Couldn’t put it down. It is the first book in a young adult fantasy trilogy, and I have been on the waitlist for the second book at my local library for monthssssss 😦 😦 #firstworldproblems.

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir Book Review | Trés Belle

Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos. This book was just okay. It was an easy and relatively enjoyable fiction read, but not something I was telling everyone else to go check out at the library.

Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos Book Review | Trés Belle

Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass, Or, Why You Should Never Carry a Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office by Jen Lancaster. I had seen rave reviews for this book, but the humor just wasn’t my thing (which surprised me, since I was a HUGE fan of the long, run on sentence title). It was okay, but not pee-in-your-pants funny. And quite frankly, life is too short for anything less.

Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster Book Review | Trés Belle

*Bone Gap by Laura Ruby. Y’all will notice as you continue down my list that I’m a big fan of young adult fiction. This book was recommended by a friend on Instagram, and I absolutely adored it! Couldn’t put it down.

Bone Gap by Laura Ruby Book Review | Trés Belle

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes by Shauna Niequist. I don’t really know how to describe this book. It’s part cookbook, part memoir, part entertaining advice. I really love how Shauna invites people into the realness of her ordinary home and makes memories around the table. And, I can vouch for the recipes: My friend Traci made some of them, and they were delicious! Mac-and-cheese cups, anyone?

Bread and Wine: A Love Letter to Life Around the Table with Recipes by Shauna Niequist Book Review | Trés Belle

*Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman. This book is such a fascinating peek into the mind of someone living with schizophrenia. Please read it!

Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman Book Review | Trés Belle

The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi. This book explores the growing gap between the wealthy and poor in America and how injustices in the criminal justice system relate to both groups. It’s really good, but also heavy on legalistic and academic language. In other words: It’s really great and important information, but a bit boring at times.

The Divide: American Injustice in the Age of the Wealth Gap by Matt Taibbi Book Review | Trés Belle

*Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy. If you like young adult fiction (you know, the usual love story, friendship issues, etc.) go ahead and sign yourself up for this one.

Dumplin' by Julie Murphy Book Review | Trés Belle

*Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James. Yes, this is indeed the sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey. Hear me out on this one, you guys. The plot drew me in like crazy! Yes, the plot of all things! It was a major page turner. I am super excited for the movie to come out soon! For those who are a bit shy or nervous about the sex in the book, please know that there was nothing in this series that shocked me or that I had never heard of before.

Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James Book Review | Trés Belle

Fifty Shades Freed by E.L. James. Such a let down (isn’t the third book in a trilogy always that way?). The ending was so cheesy it was almost painful. Nothing else to say.

Fifty Shades Freed by E.L. James Book Review | Trés Belle

*The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. I read this book when Wes and I first started dating and wasn’t that impressed. However, Wes and I listened to it together on a road trip this year and loved it! It was a fun activity to do together, and it has definitely revolutionized the way we communicate. I think it is a much more meaningful read once you are several years into a relationship with someone and know their idiosyncrasies pretty well.

The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman Book Review | Trés Belle

*The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. Like everyone else in the world, I love love loved The Girl on the Train. I had to be careful not to listen to it at night if I was alone, because it did scare me a bit (I am scared easily, so normal people may not have this problem). And the movie was amazing as well!

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins Book Review | Trés Belle

The Good Girl by Mary Kubica. This was a pleasant enough fiction read, but nothing that made me say “wow.” There is a surprising twist at the end, though, which is always fun.

The Good Girl by Mary Kubica Book Review | Trés Belle

*Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. Okay, if you’ve never read this book, seriously, where have you been?? I first read this back in fourth grade, which is when my complete obsession with all things Harry Potter began. When we found ourselves without a book assignment for the month of October, my book club decided to re-read this classic from our childhood. I hadn’t read it in so long! It made me want to read the entire series all over again.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling Book Review | Trés Belle

*The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty. I loved the suspense in this book! I’ve read another of Liane’s books (What Alice Forgot) and liked this one a great deal more. Cecelia’s character made me laugh out loud!

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty Book Review | Trés Belle

I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam. I actually wrote a review of this book on the blog awhile back…check it out for my thoughts!

Book Review: "I Know How She Does It" by Laura Vanderkam | Très Belle

*In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan. I’ve had to read a lot about nutrition over the past two years due to some health issues, and this is by far one of my favorite reads. It is highly educational, motivational, and inspiring. I love that it leaves you feeling calm and reassured rather than anxious and thinking about how there is no way you can follow all these rules like so many other dietary books/articles.

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan Book Review | Trés Belle

*Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton. If there is just one book on this list that you pick to read this year, please let this be the one! It is tied for my favorite book ever along with 7 by Jen Hatmaker. Reading this book feels like relaxing after a particularly tense day at work. Glennon makes you feel understood and important. I just feel like she gets life. Her descriptions of her past addictions are so raw and truthful, and I just love her for her realness.

Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton Book Review | Trés Belle

*Make It Happen by Lara Casey. This personal improvement book, combined with Lara Casey’s PowerSheets, completely changed my life over the past two years! Please know that this is not a passive read. In order to really get something out of it, you need to actually do the exercises.

Make It Happen by Lara Casey Book Review | Trés Belle

Murder in an Irish Village by Carlene O’Connor. This book was delightful! I had no idea that a murder mystery could be so charming. The book takes place in a small Irish town, and the characters were so adorable, I just wanted to squeeze all of them.

Murder in an Irish Village by Carlene O'Connor Book Review | Trés Belle

The Nesting Place by Myquillin Smith. This is a decorating book that is about having gratitude for what you have right in front of you. Another major theme is working to create a home that feels like home and not a staged snapshot from a Pottery Barn catalog. The message is quite freeing and has definitely influenced my decorating as I have settled into a new home!

The Nesting Place by Myquillin Smith Book Review | Trés Belle

*Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt. I recommend this book not because I agree with everything in it, but because it is very thought provoking! I was chewing it over in my head for weeks after finishing it.

Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream by David Platt Book Review | Trés Belle

*The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. Maybe it’s because of my real life experience working with people with autism, but this book had me in stitches. I got several weird looks from other drivers as I was crying laughing at stoplights. A must read!

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion Book Review | Trés Belle

The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler. This book is a compilation of advice from unorthodox sources, and it does have some good information…but it just couldn’t hold my attention. I was constantly having to rewind and replay because my attention had drifted again. Maybe I would have been more invested in it if I actually had children myself?

The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler Book Review | Trés Belle

Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman. There were a few paragraphs in this book that had me vigorously nodding my head and screaming, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” in my head, but the rest of it was a little repetitive and, to be honest, a bit dull to me. I’ll let you decide whether you want to muddle through for those little nuggets of wisdom about finding contentment in the ordinary.

Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman Book Review | Trés Belle

The Sound of Glass by Karen White. This was a book club read, and I really enjoyed it! There’s some mystery, some love, and a whole lot of low country, which of course I adore.

The Sound of Glass by Karen White Book Review | Trés Belle

*Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. This is one of the BEST books I have ever read. It was horrific and inspiring and had me completely awestruck. The whole time I was reading it, I kept turning to Wes and asking how these things could have possibly happened in real life. Please, please, please read it if you haven’t!

Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Book Review | Trés Belle

*We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. I loved this book so much that I chose it as my book club pick for the year. There were some mixed reviews amongst my fellow book clubbers–some liked it, others didn’t. It’s a quick read and very mysterious. That’s all I’m going to say, because I don’t want to ruin it!

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart Book Review | Trés Belle

*When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. This book is so good! It’s about a neurosurgeon’s ponderings on the meaning of life as well as his experiences being a patient with terminal cancer. A really fascinating read by a physician who truly and deeply cares about people. You’ll especially love this if you’ve ever worked in oncology or a similar field.

When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanathi Book Review | Trés Belle

Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple. I was disappointed by this book after reading rave reviews and finding it just mediocre. That’s all I have to say about that.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple Book Review | Trés Belle

Okay, now tell me: What should I read in 2017? Any must-read books to add to my list?

xoxo Laura

Small Joys: Volume 1

Small Joys | Trés Belle

Lately, I’ve been realizing how important it is to find joy and gratitude in the normal, everyday-type days of our lives. You won’t have a joyful life if you sit around waiting for big, momentous occasions to be joyful. I always love reading the “Small Joys” posts by Cristina over at Grace Like Rain–they inspire me to think about those little, everyday joys that I often overlook in my own life. I am so excited that Cristina (whose engagement photos were featured on the blog awhile back, by the way!) is letting me take a page out of her own book by starting my own “Small Joys” posts. Welcome to volume 1! I hope that these posts will inspire you to find gratitude for the small things. Here are the little joys in my life as of late:

1. Turning my office into a spa on a cloudy day. It was dreary outside, so I decided to create a mood lift by burning a spa waters-scented candle and playing spa music on Pandora. It did the trick!

Small Joys: Volume 1 | Trés Belle

2. The WordPress app. Helping me blog on the go! Thankful that this option is available for busy bees like me.

3. Cozy fall blankets. With cold weather approaching, I wanted to make sure my living room, which is decorated in mostly cool colors, feels warm and inviting to people. I found this blanket on sale at my local Target and love the cozy touch it adds to our sofa!

Small Joys: Volume 1 | Trés Belle

4. Sermons like this that leave me feeling refreshed and convicted all at once.

5. This advice on how to start your day off right. Dying laughing over the way he pronounces “Clinique.”

6. Landscaping! I’m so excited that this project is now underway, especially since we’ve now owned our house for a year (whattttt??). Big shout out to my hubby for being the leader (er…sole worker?) on this endeavor! I’ll be sure to post “after” photos once we’re done.

Small Joys: Volume 1 | Trés Belle

7. This goofball. Rufus is probably going to be mentioned on every single Small Joys post, because he brings SO much joy to our lives. He has so much personality and always gets me laughing!

Small Joys: Volume 1 | Trés Belle

What are y’all finding joy in lately? Let me know in the comments!

xoxo Laura

Prayer Coloring (for Stress Relief & Spiritual Growth)

Adult coloring has become all the rage lately, and there are psychological theories and research to support it as a relaxation technique. One of my mom’s cousins gave me a mandala coloring book last year, and I’ve enjoyed dabbling with it ever since. However, I’ve put a new spiritual spin on it lately!

I was recently working through the Art of Adventure Journal, which challenged me to think up creative new ways to “hang out” with God, so to speak. I am not naturally good at slowing down and doing things like meditation, prayer, and other quiet activities, but I have been learning recently how life-giving and restorative such practices are when I force myself to do them. As I was brainstorming ways to spend time with God, my coloring book caught my eye, and a light bulb popped up over my head. What if I used my coloring time as an opportunity to sit down and connect with God?

Prayer/Worship/Meditation Coloring for Stress Relief and Spiritual Growth | Très Belle

I’ve started doing it every now and then, and I love it. The coloring activity itself is relaxing and not so taxing on my mental space that I can’t tap into my spiritual self. I will often pray, meditate, sing a worship song (you can tell which one I was singing while coloring the mandala above!), or simply sit in silence and listen to God while I color.

I’ve even found some scripture coloring sheets if you want to focus on a particular Bible verse in your coloring/meditation practice. I’ve started a collection for easy reference on my health/wellness Pinterest board…be sure to check them out!

xoxo Laura

P.S. – Because I know there are other office supply fanatics out there like me who want to know these types of things, the markers I am currently using are the Crayola Pip-Squeaks. They are much thinner than typical markers, but you may still have a tough time getting into really small spaces. I love my Paper Mate Flairs for everyday writing, and they do well in tight spaces, but the color is quite saturated, and I’ve found that it will often bleed through on coloring sheets. Please share your favorite coloring markers in the comments!

On Living a Life of Passion and Adventure (and a Discount Code for the Art of Adventure Journal!)

Hey friends. Any of you feeling lost or uncertain today? Passionless? Restless for a new adventure?Today I’m sharing a little bit about how I have addressed those same feelings in my own life recently, and I’m also going to tell you about a fun journal that is launching today that helps you discover what it’s like to live a life of spiritually-driven adventure (full disclosure: I received a free copy of the journal to take a peek at. I also have a discount code for y’all in case you want to snag one yourself!).

First, a little bit of back story on the adventure I’ve been on for the past year or so. My life doesn’t look like it has changed all that much on the outside, but since December 2014, I have been on a soul-searching adventure for passion, health, and Truth. After becoming incredibly sick with an unknown illness and finding little cure or relief despite countless visits to my family doctor, acupuncturists, and several specialists, I felt like my world was crashing down around me. I felt too sick to go to work, but I desperately needed health insurance, so I got by as best I could. I slept 10 hours a night but woke up exhausted and in pain each morning. Eating was difficult, and I quickly became pale and gaunt. With my social life at a screeching halt and my health failing, I became anxious and sad.

The core of my self image had always been my high achieving, go-getter personality. Suddenly, with my health in shambles, I felt like I wasn’t able to achieve anything. I could barely get out of bed in the morning, and I felt anything but successful. At the time, “adventure” was the last word I would have used to describe where I was in life.

But here’s where things got good. Because there were few things I was physically up to doing, I was forced to turn inward and reflect. I didn’t particularly like what I found. I felt like I had been floating in the wind for several years and had no idea how I had ended up where I was. I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I was ready for purpose and guidance. My faith, which has always been important to me, became my refuge.

I began praying and seeking spiritual truth like never before. I began reading about purposeful living through books like Make It Happen and A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. My illness was the wake up call I needed to make some big changes on how I was living my life.

I am now much healthier, both physically, spiritually, and emotionally. To most people, my life probably doesn’t look that much different on the outside. I didn’t quit my job, move to a foreign country, or sell everything I had to start my dream business. But my life is a world of difference on the inside. I’m living on purpose and passion.

On Living a Life of Passion and Adventure (and Discount Code for the Art of Adventure Journal!) | Trés Belle

I’ve only just started using it, but I that’s exactly what the Art of Adventure journal is all about. You don’t have to go on a summer-long Euro trip to be living out an adventure in your life. The journal, which offers inspirational quotes and Biblical passages alongside prompts for self-reflection, is a travel guide to help you discover  how to live an adventurous, purpose-driven life in the midst of the seemingly mundane and ordinary. Oh, how I wish I had had the Art of Adventure journal during the dark days of my illness last year.

A little more about the journal: It just went on sale today! It contains 40 days worth of guided reflection prompts. There are also accompanying videos and downloads on journal creator Charissa Steyn’s website. Some examples of topics that the journal covers include defining what adventure means, embracing change, identifying obstacles, learning how to “hear” God, and of course, practically mapping out an intentional life adventure. This journal is not likely to resonate with you if do not hail from a Christian faith background given the heavy emphasis on Biblical scripture.

And now for everyone’s favorite part: the discount code! If you’re wanting to snag an Art of Adventure journal or any of the other fun products in the Art of Adventure shop, use code spring15 for 15% off your entire purchase now through March 18th! You’re welcome 🙂

Regardless of whether the Art of Adventure journal is the right tool for you or not, I wish all of you guidance and peace as you pursue a purpose-driven life. Go forth, friends, and do amazing things!

Xoxo Laura

Prayer? There’s an App for That!

Y’all, I discovered an incredible phone app a few weeks ago and am dying to share. If you’re the praying type (regardless of specific religious beliefs), this post is for you.

I first learned about the Echo app when I was reading about Lara Casey’s favorite ways to simplify. After clicking through to the Echo website, I realized this app was made just for me. I want to pray, but I struggle to find the time. Someone will ask me to pray for them, but I’ll forget to write it down (slash don’t even know where to write it down), and then when I actually am praying, I forget who/what I’m supposed to be praying for.

Echo solved all of these problems for me. I always have my phone with me, so when I think of something I need to pray about or I get a prayer request, I can go ahead and type it in on the app. Voila! A handy dandy list of prayers. You can also set up the app to remind you to pray. No more forgetting or not having time! I have reminders come to my email every morning before I wake up, so that way when I pull up my inbox for my morning Bible study, I have the reminder right in front of me. I just have the app email one random prayer request from my list each day, because that feels less overwhelming than going through the entire list. There are lots of ways to customize it, though, so if you’d rather get push notifications on your phone or pray through your entire list at once, there are options!

What do you think, belles? Helpful tool? Any other helpful prayer tools you use?

xoxo Laura

P.S. – this is not a sponsored post…I just adore this app and wanted to share in case it helps someone else!


Who Are You Racing?

Who Are You Racing? | Trés Belle

Monday was one of those mornings. I hadn’t gotten home from Thanksgiving vacation until 10:30 p.m. the night before, I was pawing through my unpacked bags for my toothbrush while scrambling to get myself out the door for work, and on top of that, I was rushing to 10 different websites to snag Cyber Monday deals before they disappeared. My to do list was so long, I couldn’t cram it all into the allotted “Monday” space in my weekly agenda, so I filled up “Tuesday,” too. I was really, really stressed just looking at it, and I didn’t think I would ever be able to catch up. I was starting off my week totally exhausted.

On the way to work (which I was running 30 minutes late for, on account of I just had to buy that faux snow leopard tree skirt from Pier 1 before the free shipping deal expired, in addition to the aforementioned other 10 Cyber Monday deals), I called my husband in a state of total anxiety and panic. I was losing it, and I was desperate for reassurance.

Well, I certainly got just that! What Wes said caught me off guard and stopped my panic in its tracks. “This isn’t a race, Laura. You aren’t in a race against anyone here. Just slow down.”

Really think about that for a second. How often do we treat our to do lists like a race? That’s what I do all. the. time. But…who are you actually racing? My to do list really isn’t a race against anyone. Perhaps a race against time, yes. But most of these “deadlines” I’m racing are self-imposed. I have it in my head that I have to get it all done today, but the world is not going to end if I don’t. In fact, it is likely that no one will notice except me.

Next time you’re getting panicked thinking about all you have to do, just ask yourself, “Who am I racing here?” The answer is probably just yourself. So take a deep breath and slow down. You’ll get all of those things done in time.

xoxo Laura